Создание финской версии "In The Shadows"
Живое исполнение "Funeral Song с оркестром.
Aki e Lauri
F-F-F Falling Video Backstage
The Rasmus Interview at RadioUno
The Rasmus Unplugged
Live I
n the shadows (From Germany)
how in Berlin (German
Live First day of my life (From Germany)
Lauri Provinssissa 2003
Interview with Lauri & Eero - German Ding TV (Part 1)
The Rasmus in Germany - Finnish News
terview with Lauri & Eero - German Ding TV (Part 2)
Picnic with Rasmus (Part 1)
Picnic with Rasmus (Part 2)
Rasmus @ Provinssirock - 2003
Lauri interview Ankkarock 03
Ankkarock - 01
Lauri and Aki in Interview
Aki & Lauri
Videoclip 4
"In The Shadows" 2 Video
Making the video F-F-F Falling
Dead letters Promotion
Rasmus MoonTV
Making the video
In The Shadows
Rasmus in 4 Pop
Eero & Lauri Part 1
Eero & Lauri Part 2
Videoclip 1
Videoclip 2
Videoclip 3
Rasmus in Kiss FM
Rasmus @ Provinssirock
Aki & Lauri -2003
Eero answering a question
Lauri answering a question 1
Lauri answering a question 2
Lauri answering a question 3
Lauri answering a question 4
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